Morphometry And Evolution Of Land Use And The Maximum Flow In Urban Micro Watershed


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The knowledge of physical attributes of a watershed is of paramount importance for the identification of parameters that assist in better management of water resources. Therefore, the morphometric characterization and assessment of land use of a watershed becomes an important water management tool because it allows you to predict the degree of vulnerability of the basin to extreme events such as floods and floods. Thus, this study was based on the use of GIS techniques of digital images for analysis of morphometric attributes and change of land use in an urban micro watershed in Lavras, MG, relating them with the estimated maximum flow as response to high-intensity rainfall. Data analysis and interpretation of the results obtained in the current conditions of the watershed showed that the drainage pattern formed by the streams is characterized as dendritic and 4th order. The Ribeirao Vermelho watershed has the elongated form, showing a lower risk of flooding under normal annual rainfall. The mapping and land cover 2003 and 2013 showed an increase of the urban area in contrast to a reduction in grazing area, however, no changes in peak flow between these years was observed.
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Urbanization, Runoff, Water resources management
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