The Role Of Intestinal Tight Junctions In Pathogenesis Of Necrotizing Enterocolitis

Franciszek Borys,Greta Sibrecht, Dobrochna Naskrecka,Katarzyna Wroblewska-Seniuk,Jan Mazela


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Tight junctions are multiprotein junctional complexes fastening intestinal epithelial cells together. Their function is to regulate paracellular permeability and to maintain integrity of intestinal epithelial barrier. Disruption of this barrier is believed to be involved in necrotizing enterocolitis development in preterm infants. In this review article we would like to present recent studies involving the role of tight junctions in the pathogenesis of necrotizing enterocolitis and also analyse impact of breastmilk components and probiotics on this process.
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tight junctions, necrotizing enterocolitis, breast milk, probiotics, preterms
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