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Determination Of The Mass Of The W Boson Using The D0 Detector At The Fermilab Tevatron

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A measurement of the mass of the W boson is presented which is based on a sample of 5982 W --> e nu decays observed in p (p) over bar collisions at root s = 1.8 TeV with the D0 detector during the 1992-1983 run: From a fit to the transverse mass spectrum, combined with. measurements of the Z boson mass, the W boson mass is measured to be M-W = 80.350 +/- 0.140(stat) +/- 0.165(syst) +/- 0.160(scale) GeV/c(2). Detailed discussions of the determination of the absolute energy scale, the measured efficiencies, and all systematic uncertainties are presented. [S0556-2821(98)01613-0].
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