Why Does He Get Award? Comparison Of Innovative Thinking Points


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Innovation is an important basis for successfully gaining global market shares in the era of technological changes. In order to maintain national competitiveness, the government attaches great importance to innovative thinking ability. To this end, throughout various stages of education in Taiwan, creativity competitions are held. Among them, at universities and colleges, annual innovation and entrepreneurship competitions are held; at vocational high schools, national creativity project work competitions are held. In this study, award-winning students from the two competitions were selected. The creative concept design capability scale was adopted to compare the award winners and non-winners in terms of differences in innovative thinking points. The creative concept design capability scale was used to assess the gap among students who received training, college project instructors, and student innovative thinking points. Findings show that the overall innovative thinking points are mostly concentrated in the appearance. University/college of technology or vocational high school competition award winners alike have a significantly higher total score compared to the total innovative thinking points score of regular university/college of technological teachers and students. However, as to the innovative thinking points for different categories, university and college award winners of innovation entrepreneurship competitions tend to put the chemical change of innovative thinking points to better uses; vocational high school award winners of creativity project work competitions tend to put the external size and external texture layout of innovative thinking points to better uses. The university and college students on the project team are better able to use the physical changes, structural complexity, operability, shape changes, functional enhancement, and usage enhancement of the innovative thinking points. This study recommends that students select more related professional practical courses to "learn by doing". Students are encouraged to participate in off-campus learning activities or creativity competitions so that they can broaden their horizons. As for teaching, teachers may lead students in site visits to learn about innovative products in the industry. The course design combines theory and practice, case discussions are examples of which.
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Innovative thinking points, Competition award winner, Creativity
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