Oral Interaction With Two Years Students In A Pedagogical-Theatrical Context


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Still, we have few studies carried out with students who are less than three years old, even though it is widely accepted that the evolution of early life, in and out of the school, has a great relevance for proper development of the person. The aim of this research is to focus on the interactive processes of the first acquisition of language. For this purpose we have analyzed the verbal production of little children attending a theatre play called Lorategian by the Teatro Paraiso Company in a pedagogical environment. The research target is the interaction keys between the play and the infant spectators. In the research process we have taken field notes and we have transcribed the play's video recording. The results show clearly that the artistic play has on the one hand a remarkable pedagogical side and in the other hand it also has a linguistic and communicative value. That's because it offers to the young spectators a stimulus to practice the language by playing, by chatting and through an interactive communication provided by the mentioned play Lorategian.
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interactive communication, social interactionism, language development, theatre, early childhood education
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