Tp-Theory As New Perspective On Cognitive Psychology


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Recently, the fact that there is anticipation before cognition in the brain processing is elucidated by brain science, although human behavior has been explained as cognition-judgment-operation loop. The TP-theory (Temporal Predictive behavior model proposed by Tanida and Poppel in 2006) is a model which applies anticipation-operation-comparison loop as new information processing with temporal frame to human behavior including automobile driving. Why is driving referred? Driving an automobile is an example of a goal-directed activity with high complexity in which different behavioral elements have to be integrated and brought into a sequential order. On the basis of the reafference principle and experimental results on temporal perception and cognitive control, we propose a hierarchical model of driving behavior which can also be adapted to other goal-directed activities. Driving is conceived of as being controlled by anticipatory neuronal programs; if these programs are disrupted by unpredictable stimuli which require an instantaneous reaction, behavioral control returns after completion of the reactive mode to the anticipatory mode of driving. In the model different levels of anticipation windows are distinguished which, however, are interconnected, in a bidirectional way: A. Strategic level with a representation of the driving activity from the beginning to reaching the final goal; B. Segmented tactical level with the sequence of necessary milestones to reach the goal, which are characterized by adaptive scenarios; C. Maneuver in general operational level, where actions like passing another car or keeping a lane are controlled; this level represents learned activities which have become automatized; D. Short term integration level of two to three seconds, which allows immediate anticipations; this temporal window represents the subjective present; E. Synchronization level for sensory motor control and complexity reduction within neuronal assemblies which allows the creation of mental content and consciously available categories. A flow diagram schematically describes different driving situations stressing the anticipatory mode of control. As mentioned before, this model is able to apply to riding a motorcycle or a bicycle, cooking, gardening, DIY etc.. This chapter gives the general explanation about the TP-theory.
driving behavior, anticipation, feed-forward control, feed-back-control, reafference principle, corollary discharge, temporal perception
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