Dauer Formation And Ageing


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The dauer larva is an alternate developmental stage in C. elegans which allows the animal to survive adverse environmental conditions for extended periods of time. Upon exposure to a more favourable environment, the worm can exit this diapause stage and develop into a reproductive adult, with minimal effects on subsequent survival. Genetic analysis of dauer formation has identified genes and pathways that are involved in dauer entry, maintenance and recovery from the dauer stage. Many of the genes that influence dauer development also influence adult lifespan and thus the dauer larva has been an invaluable tool with which to decipher the components of novel signalling pathways that have the potential to influence ageing in humans. Indeed, orthologs of genes involved in dauer formation have also been shown to influence ageing in mammals. This chapter will review the links between dauer formation and post-reproductive ageing.
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Ageing, Dauer, C. elegans, Insulin/IGF signalling, TGF-beta, Steroid hormone, Sensory neurons
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