Clinical Characteristics, Management And Prognosis According To Score Hplls/Abc In Patients With Lymphoma Of The Splenal Marginal Zone (Lzme): Real Life Experience Of The Geltamo Group

Prat Ana Muntanola, Prego Ma Teresa Villalobos,Pellon Sonia Gonzalez-Villam-Brosia, Salazar Ma Jose Rodriguez,Ana Jimenez-Ubieto, Gabriela Bastidas, Mascunano Raul Cordoba,Maria Stefania Infante, Mancenido Ma Jesus Vidal,Gonzalez Monica Baile,Oreiro Mariana Bastos,Cia Juan-Manuel Sancho,Matilla Belen Navarro, Cerecedo Tomas Garcia,Teigell Lourdes Escoda,Costa Pau Abrisqueta,Armando Lopez-Guillermo, Santos Victor Abraira,Silvestre Antonio Salar, Sanz Carlos Montalban


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