An Occupation At The End Of The Last Glacial Maximum In The Pyrenees: The Lower Magdalenian At The Grotte Des Scilles (Lespugue, Haute-Garonne)


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The excavations by R. and S. de Saint-Perier at the Grotte des Scilles (Lespugue, Haute-Garonne, France) in 1923-1924 yielded archaeological material attributed to the Magdalenian. The re-examination of this old collection now allows a more precise characterization of it, in the light of recent research on this period. This article presents the different artefact types found (lithic and bone tools, faunal remains, personal ornaments, portable art items and one sandstone lamp) in order to consider all activities documented on the site. Particular attention is given to typological and technological data, the analyses of which point to a Lower Magdalenian chronological attribution. An SMA 14C date shows that occupation of the Grotte des Scilles took place around 16000 BP (19400 cal. BP). The identification, for the first time, of a Lower Magdalenian presence in the Pyrenees raises new questions concerning Magdalenian occupation at the end of the Last Glacial Maximum in southwestern France and northern Spain.
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