Analysis Of Opportunities For The Development Of Inclusive Tourism In Tomsk

Elena Zemlyanskaya, Elena Yu Dyakova,Lyudmila Spirina,Elena S. Stasyuk,Natalia V. Varlamova, Lyubov Sh Galyamova


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The study aims to analyze the logistic base of tourist facilities of Tomsk in terms of their accessibility for people with disabilities in the framework of inclusive tourism. Theoretical research methods of analysis of the scientific literature on the problem, synthesis of all the available knowledge on the problem, analysis of regulatory documents were used in the study. The study is based on the analytical materials on the topic under study, on information resources of the Internet and on the application of the practical methods of surveying and observation. The study was conducted in Tomsk: at the airport, at the railway station, in 13 hotels, in the Museum of History of Tomsk and in the Tomsk Regional Museum of Local Lore. The objects under study had only several drawbacks in terms of accessibility for people with disabilities: the Museum of History of Tomsk has narrow doorways and provides no access to exhibitions on the second floor for wheelchair users; only two of the 13 hotels have rooms for people with disabilities: Tomsk and Art Plaza. The railway station, the airport and the Tomsk Regional Museum of Local Lore are almost 100% equipped for people with disabilities. Based on the results of the study, the authors concluded that currently Tomsk is starting to develop inclusive tourism and relevant public facilities. There is a need to improve the entire chain of services: not only the airport and the railway station, but also accommodation, transport, leisure and entertainment facilities, public institutions. It is also important to give information via different perception channels, e.g., audio and video. Hotel staff should be patient and pay special attention to people with disabilities. Thus, if aspects of rational application of foreign experience and Russian features of the development of accessible tourism are taken into account, it will not only improve the quality of life of persons with disabilities, but will also contribute to their greater comfort in modern society.
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Key words
inclusive tourism, services, accessibility, rehabilitation
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