Pilot study on music-heart entrainment in a pianist during a live performance

2020 11th Conference of the European Study Group on Cardiovascular Oscillations (ESGCO)(2020)

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Entrainment between music features and heart rhythms have been reported but, to date, evidence in support of music-heart synchronization are still inconsistent. We studied the possible music-heart entrainment in a skilled pianist during a live performance before an audience. We recorded ECG before and during the concert. We derived the beat-to-beat RR time series and analyzed heart rate variability in the time domain and with non linear analysis, to evaluate the autonomic changes associated with 4 different music pieces. Results indicated an autonomic modulation specific for each piece and the decrease and increase of parasympathetic and sympathetic tone across the whole session. Also, for each music piece, analysis of correlation between the music envelope and the RR series revealed a negative correlation which could be the expression of the entrainment of music on heart rhythm.
heart rhythm,music-heart synchronization,possible music-heart entrainment,skilled pianist,live performance,beat-to-beat RR time series,analyzed heart rate variability,time domain,nonlinear analysis,autonomic changes,4 different music pieces,autonomic modulation specific,music piece,music envelope,RR series,music features
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