Application Of Conflict Algebra In The Analysis Of Fencing And Tactical Preparation Methods


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The problem and Aim. The article presents selected issues concerning the theory of fencing. To consider the directions and importance of each component in the selection of training methods, forms of training means in the sport, determined by the following factors: the structure of discipline, the importance of mobility, movement habits, content and essence of tactics. A description is made of the "algebra of conflict" and its tactical use in combat fencing. In a conflict game using white weapons, the mobility of contestants, their technical skills, resources of sensory-motor habits, their quality of perception and manifestations of reaction, tactical skills, emotions, speed of thinking and decision-making, mental strength and the mutual opposing desire to hit the enemy and win the fencing bout, come together on a broad front. The fight takes place in rapidly changing tactical situations, with limited time required to understand the intentions of the enemy. A fencing duel takes place against the background of two major, demanding, changing positions which divide attention between tactical tasks - anticipation and deception to avoid hits and to hit the opponent. To achieve those objectives, in the modern sport, fencing coaches use long-term development of technical skills in conjunction with teaching and improvement of tactical fighting. At every level of sports training, the choice of teaching tactics methods helps to achieve outstanding sports results.Method. The study is based on observations and reflections that are available in the literature (content analysis of literature).Results and conclusions. The most important skills in a fencing bout are: the ability to transfer habits from training lessons to tournament bouts and a comprehensive synthesis (combining together technique, signs of reaction, agility, tactical skills and psychological processes). In addition, in training, a large variety of fencing actions are recommended, combined with skilful directing of one's emotions, shaping resistance to emergency states and adaptation to fighting with opponents. The presented elements of tactics raise its importance in the training of a fencer. In a fencer's training, it is very important to use tactics by formation of self-reliance, initiative, and the ability to master one's emotions, speedy and accurate assessment of the tactical situation and the ability to take immediate decisions.
conflict algebra, combat sport, fencing, tactical preparation
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