Adult Attachment Style Combination, Conflict Resolution And Relationship Quality Among Young-Adult Couples


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The objective was to analyze whether romantic partners' conflict resolution style and perceived relationship quality are influenced by the dyadic configuration of adult attachment, specifically, by: a) attachment style matching; b) the number of couple members with a secure (vs. insecure) style. A sample of 405 Spanish heterosexual couples of young adults completed an online survey. Results showed no differences between couples with matched versus unmatched attachment styles. However, the presence of one or two members in the couple with a secure style was significantly associated with higher relationship quality and lower use of dysfunctional conflict resolution styles. In conclusion, for insecurely attached young adults, it is more beneficial to be in a relationship with a securely-attached partner than with a similarly-attached partner.
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Key words
adult attachment, conflict resolution, relationship quality, young-adult couples, combination
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