Insight Into The Magnetisation Process Of Martensitic Ni-Mn-Ga Films: A Micromagnetic And Vector Magnetometry Study


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This study investigates the magnetisation process of a martensitic Ni-Mn-Ga thin film with microstructure optimized to obtain a unidirectional and reversible magnetisation jump. The study has been realised by a thorough vector magnetometry characterisation and supported by micromagnetic modelling, considering different orientations of the applied field with respect to the symmetry directions of the sample. The model has been built on the film microstructure and experimental characteristics. The main features of the magnetisation curves measured along the film symmetry directions can be well reproduced by the micromagnetic model, that is, neglecting structural and magnetostructural contributions to the free energy. The model also well reproduces the field-dependent behaviour of the transverse magnetisation components. The agreement demonstrates that the spatial organisation of magnetocrystalline anisotropy axes due to martensitic twinning has a dominant effect on the magnetisation process, giving rise to magnetisation jumps when the magnetic field is applied along the alignment direction of the twin boundaries. When a reverse field is applied along this direction, simulations show that magnetisation reversal proceeds through the formation and three-dimensional expansion of magnetic domains, passing around the zero field through a closed-flux domain configuration, with the domain walls showing perpendicular orientation of the magnetic moments.
ferromagnetic shape memory alloys, Ni2MnGa, magnetic thin films, micromagnetism, magnetisation process
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