Turning Risk Into Opportunity. A Career Counselling Interview For The Present Day


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Socio-economic change requires a new decision-making model applied to career counselling. This paper proposes a process of career counselling that concentrates on transforming chance events and uncertain situations into learning opportunities. It is based on a positive regard of uncertainty within the Complexity Paradigm through the helping process from the person-centered approach. Career counselling from the person-centered approach takes into account the individual's experience of life and, therefore, it may become a useful tool to deal with change. This paper shows the benefits of applying a dynamic constructivist approach to the person-centered relational process which takes place at the counselling interview. This process may result in the individual's finding new meanings to his/her own experiences and, eventually, overcoming successfully uncertainty and change. An interview model is provided to illustrate this process, which includes the resources for creating the meeting place, the interview guide with the parameters for counselling and change, and the criteria for analysing the interview.
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Evaluation, Methodology, Phenomenological Method, Lived experience, Educational Research
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