Water Microbiology Quality For Animal Consumption


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Water designed for human or animal consumption must attend to minimal quality standards in order to guarantee the ideal consumption, without injuries due to bad quality, such as microbiology or chemical contaminants. This work aimed to evaluate microbiology quality of water offered in the Institute of Animal Science and Pastures (IZ), for animal consumption. In 25 sampling sites, pH, total coliforms, Escherichia coli and heterotrophic bacteria were measured, using Colitest commercial kit for total and E. coli and, R2A and TSA media for heterotrophic bacteria counting. Total coliforms were presented at the Lake, at both sampling sites (boarder and inside the Lake) and in one of the paddocks, from Maracana area. At IZ major area, total coliforms were observed at two sampling sites. In the Wellspring area (Manancial), no total coliforms were found. E. coli was presented at the lake edge, from Maracana area and at the Planalto Stream, inside the Institute. From all 25 sampling sites, 28 % showed total coliforms and 8% presented E. coli. For heterotrophic bacteria, the maximum count indicated by official Governmental Agency (CETESB) designated to animal consumption must be under 1000 CFUmL(-1). The R2A medium in comparison to TSA medium showed 293% more bacteria counting's, confirming that rich-nutrient medium can fade the real count and biodiversity of a poor environment such as the water. Variance analysis showed significant difference at 1% by F test (1.781) for both R2A and TSA media, showing R2A was better for heterotrophic bacteria identification in water resources. Other studies must be continued in order to guarantee water quality given to livestock
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Key words
heterotrophic bacteria, coliform, water consumption, Escherichia coli, hydric resources
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