Farming During Fourth And Third Centuries Bce In Area 3 Of Giribaile


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The archaeological excavation campaign carried out during the year 2014 on the plateau of Giribaile had the objectives of a) providing better knowledge of the inner structure of the oppidum and its urban pattern and b) documenting the floor of one house enclosed within Area 3.The archaeological excavation of Area 3 made it possible to characterise a multi-functional structure from fourth and third centuries BCE inside the urban pattern. Carpological, anthropological and soil micromorphology studies as well as phytoliths, pottery and C-14 analyses were performed. The study of the urban pattern using orthophotography showed a planned design.The identification of numerous functions related to farming inside Area 3 suppose an important advancement towards the complete understanding of crop and livestock farming in the Iberian culture.
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livestock, Iberian archaeology, farming, rural settlement
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