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Technological prospection and assessment of the association of harpagophytum procumbens (devil claw) and its anti-inflammatory effect

Camila Bianca Ferreira Rocha, Maria Julia Pereira Reis, Robert Rodrigues Alves, Maria Aline Barros Fidelis de Moura, Luciano Aparecido Meireles Grillo, Ticiano Gomes do Nascimento


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The present work arose from the need to compile data on the pharmacological information of the medicinal plant known, popularly as the devil'sclaw (Harpagophytum procumbens), in an attempt to evaluate its anti-inflammatory appkation in the tecnological market, mainly in musculoskeletal diseases,namely arthritis and osteoarthritis (asteoarthritis).Based on this survey, it is intended to stimulate and stimulate more research, assisting in the social,economic, functional and therapeutic impact of this market, based on the most recent publications of scientific articles and patents. A search for patents and scientific articles was carried out containing the following keywords: scientific name of the plant and descriptors related to musculoskeletal inflammation(arthritis and arthrosis), In English. The following databases concerning the filing of patents used were:USPTO, WIPO, The Lens and Questel Orbit. In addition, asearch for scientific articles for theoretical construction and scientific basis on the topic was corded out, using The Lens, Periodicos Capes, Scielo Medline, Nature and PubMed databases. Based on this survey and theoretical framework, 662 total patents and 2786 scientific articles were found using the devil's claw as an alternative for the treatment of musculoskeletal inflammations.
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Harpagophytum procumbens,Anti-inflammatory,Ardithis,Osteoartrithis
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