Optical Coherent Transients In Er-167(3+) At Telecom-Band Wavelength


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We demonstrate optical coherent transients in a Lambda-like hyperfine energy-level system of Er-167(3+) in yttrium orthosilicate (Y2SiO5) with telecom-band photons at a zero magnetic field. Spectral hole burning was used to study the temperature dependence of the induced spectral antihole. We find that temperatures below 3.0 K suppress population dissipation induced by electron-phonon interactions sufficiently to enable population initialization in the Lambda-like system. Further, the pulse area dependence of photoluminescence (PL) from the Lambda-like system was measured at 2.2 K. An optical pump power dependence of PL intensity shows Rabi oscillations that contain two full Rabi cycles at the frequency of 2 pi x 810 kHz. A two-pulse photon echo measurement reveals an optical coherence time of 12 mu s. To date, this measured optical coherence time is the longest observed for Er3+ in solids at zero magnetic field. These findings will facilitate optical coherent manipulation of Lambda-like Er-167(3+) electronic states as a quantum memories operating at telecom-band wavelengths. (C) 2019 Optical Society of America
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