Processive translocation of cohesive and non-cohesive cohesin in vivo

Melinda S. Borrie,Marc R. Gartenberg

Molecular and Cellular Biology(2022)

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Cohesin is a central architectural element of chromosomes that regulates numerous DNA-based events. The complex holds sister chromatids together until anaphase onset and organizes individual chromosomal DNAs into loops. Purified cohesin translocates along DNA in a diffusive fashion that can be propelled by transcribing RNA polymerase. The complex also extrudes DNA loops in a process that consumes ATP. In this study we examine processive genomic translocation of cohesin in vivo. To this end, obstacles of increasing size were tethered to DNA to act as roadblocks to complexes mobilized by transcription in yeast. The obstacles were built from a GFP-lacI core fused to one or more mCherries. A chimera with four mCherries blocked cohesin passage in late G1. During M phase, the threshold barrier depended on the state of cohesion: non-cohesive complexes were also blocked by four mCherries whereas cohesive complexes were blocked by as few as three mCherries. Furthermore, cohesive complexes that were stalled at obstacles, in turn, blocked the passage of non-cohesive complexes. That synthetic barriers alter cohesin redistribution demonstrates that the complex translocates processively on chromatin in vivo. The approach provides a relative measure of the maximum size of the DNA binding chamber(s) of cohesin. Together, this study reveals unexplored limitations to cohesin movement on chromosomes. Significance Statement Cohesin is an architectural protein that brings distant chromosomal DNA sites together. The complex links sister chromatids cohesion but it also binds to single pieces of DNA in ways that do not generate cohesion. One class of non-cohesive complexes organizes chromosomal DNA into loops. All cohesin complexes move on DNA but the constraints on such movement are not fully explored. Here, we use size-calibrated obstacles in yeast to interrogate cohesin and the properties of its movement on DNA. We show that both cohesive and non-cohesive complexes translocate processively on chromosomes. In addition, we show that cohesive and non-cohesive complexes are blocked by obstacles of different size. Lastly, we show that stalled cohesive complexes block passage of non-cohesive complexes. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
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