Assessing the impacts of climate change on reproductive phenology in tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia


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In humid forests in Southeast Asia, many species from dozens of plant families flower gregariously and fruit synchronously at irregular multi-year intervals[1][1]–[4][2]. Little is known about how climate change will impact these community-wide mass reproductive events. Here, we perform a comprehensive analysis of reproductive phenology and its environmental drivers based on a monthly reproductive phenology record from 210 species in 41 families in peninsular Malaysia. We find that the proportion of flowering and fruiting species decreased from 1976 to 2010. Using a phenology model with inputs obtained from general circulation models, we show that low-temperature flowering cues became less available during the monitoring period and will further decrease in the future, leading to decreased flowering opportunities in 57% of species in the Dipterocarpaceae family. Our results highlight the vulnerability of and variability in phenological responses across species in tropical ecosystems that differ from temperate and boreal biomes. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest. [1]: #ref-1 [2]: #ref-4
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