RNA-seq and differential expression analysis of the duck transcriptome: The effect of short-term cage-rearing


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Ducks are an important source of meat and egg products for human beings. In China, duck breeding has gradually changed from the traditional floor-water combination system to multilayer cage breeding. Therefore, the present study collected the hypothalamus and pituitary of 113-day-old ducks after being caged for 3 days, in order to investigate the effect of cage-rearing on the birds. In addition, the same tissues (hypothalamus and pituitary) were collected from ducks raised in the floor-water combination system, for comparison. Thereafter, the transcriptomes were sequenced and the expression level of genes were compared. The results of sequencing analysis showed that a total of 506 and 342 genes were differentially expressed in the hypothalamus and pituitary, respectively. Additionally, the differentially expressed genes were mainly enriched in signaling pathways involved in processing environmental information, including ECM-receptor interaction, neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction and focal adhesion. The findings also showed that there was a change in the alternative splicing of genes when ducks were transferred into the cage rearing system. However, there was no difference in the expression of some genes although there was a change in the expression of the isoforms of these genes. The findings herein can therefore help in understanding the mechanisms underlying the effect of caging on waterfowl. The results also highlight the gene regulatory networks involved in animal responses to acute stress.
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