A Kalirin Missense Mutation Enhances Dendritic RhoA Signaling and Leads to Regression of Cortical Dendritic Arbors Across Development


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Normally, dendritic size is established prior to adolescence then remains relatively constant into adulthood due to a homeostatic balance between growth and retraction pathways. However, schizophrenia is characterized by accelerated reductions of cerebral cortex gray matter volume and onset of clinical symptoms during adolescence, with reductions in layer 3 pyramidal neuron dendritic length, complexity, and spine density identified in multiple cortical regions postmortem. Nogo receptor 1 (NGR1) activation of the GTPase RhoA is a major pathway restricting dendritic growth in the cerebral cortex. We show that the NGR1 pathway is stimulated by OMGp and requires the Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor, Kalirin-9 (KAL9). Using a genetically encoded RhoA sensor, we demonstrate that a naturally occurring missense mutation in Kalrn , KAL-PT, that was identified in a schizophrenia cohort, confers enhanced RhoA activitation in neuronal dendrites compared to wildtype KAL. In mice containing this missense mutation at the endogenous locus there is an adolescent-onset reduction in dendritic length and complexity of layer 3 pyramidal neurons in the primary auditory cortex. Tissue density of dendritic spines was also reduced. Early adult mice with these structural deficts exhibited impaired detection of short gap durations. These findings provide a neuropsychiatric model of disease capturing how a mild genetic vulnerability may interact with normal developmental processes such that pathology only emerges around adolescence. This interplay between genetic susceptibility and normal adolescent development, both of which possess inherent individual variability, may contribute to heterogeneity seen in phenotypes in human neuropsychiatric disease. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Dendrites are long branching processes on neurons that contain small processes called spines that are the site of connections with other neurons, establishing cortical circuitry. Dendrites have long been considered stable structures, with rapid growth prior to adolescence followed by maintenance of size into adulthood. However, schizophrenia is characterized by accelerated reductions of cortical gray matter volume and onset of clinical symptoms during adolescence, with reductions in dendritic length present when examined after death. We show that dendrites retain the capacity for regression, and that a mild genetic vulnerability in a regression pathway leads to onset of structural impairments in previously formed dendrites across adolescence. This suggests that targeting specific regression pathways could potentially lead to new therapeutics for schizophrenia. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
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