Conflict-mediated tasks for studying the act of facing threats in pursuit of rewards

Frontiers in Neuroscience(2020)

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Survival depends on the ability of animals to avoid threats and approach rewards. Traditionally, these two opposing motivational systems have been studied separately. In nature, however, they regularly occur simultaneously. When threat- and reward-eliciting stimuli (learned or unlearned) co-occur, a motivational conflict emerges that challenges individuals to weigh available options and execute a single behavioral response (avoid or approach). Previous animal models using approach-avoidance conflicts have often focused on the ability to avoid threats by forgoing the opportunity to obtain rewards. In contrast, behavioral tasks designed to capitalize on the ability to actively choose to execute approach behaviors despite threats are lacking. Thus, we developed three conflict-mediated tasks to directly study rats confronting threats to obtain rewards guided by innate and conditioned cues. One conflict task involves crossing a potentially electrified grid to obtain food on the opposite end of a straight alley, the second task is based on the step-down threat avoidance paradigm, and the third one is a modified version of the open field test. We used diazepam to pharmacologically validate conflict-mediated behaviors in our tasks. We found that, regardless of whether competing stimuli were conditioned or innate, a low diazepam dose facilitated taking action to obtain rewards in the face of threats during conflict, without affecting choice behavior when there was no conflict involved. Using this validated set of innate/learned conflict-mediated tasks could help understand the underlying brain mechanisms that allow animals to confront threats, by actively suppressing defensive responses, to achieve goals. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
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