Brain state-dependent cortico-hippocampal network dynamics are modulated by postnatal stimuli


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Neurons in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus discharge synchronously in a brain state-dependent manner to transfer information. Published studies have highlighted the temporal coordination of neuronal activities between the hippocampus and a cortical area, however, how the spatial extent of cortex activity relates to hippocampal activity remains largely unknown. We imaged macroscopic cortical activity while recording hippocampal local field potentials in unanesthetized GCaMP-expressing transgenic mice. We found that cortical activity elevates before and after hippocampal sharp wave ripples (SWR). SWR-associated cortical activities occurred predominantly in vision-related regions including visual, retrosplenial and prefrontal cortex. While pre-SWR cortical activities were frequently observed in awake and sleep states, post-SWR cortical activity decreased significantly in sleep. During hippocampal theta oscillation states, phase-locked oscillations of calcium activity was observed throughout the entire cortex state. Environmental effects on cortico-hippocampal dynamics were also assessed by comparing mice reared in an enriched environment (ENR) or under isolated conditions (ISO). In both SWR and theta oscillations, mice reared in an isolated condition exhibited clearer brain state-dependent dynamics than those reared in an enriched environment. Our data demonstrate that the cortex and hippocampus exhibit heterogeneous activity patterns that characterize brain states, and postnatal experience plays a significant role in modulating these patterns. Significant Statement The hippocampus is a center for memory formation. However, the memory formed in the hippocampus is not stored forever, but gradually transferred into the cerebral cortex. As an underlying mechanism, phase-locked synchronized activities between the cortex and hippocampus has been hypothesized. However, spatio-temporal dynamics between hippocampus and whole cortical areas remained mostly unknown. We measured cortical calcium activities with hippocampal electroencephalogram (EEG) simultaneously, and found that the activities of widespread cortical areas are temporally associated with hippocampal EEG. The cortico-hippocampal dynamics is primarily regulated by animal awake/sleep state. Even if similar EEG patters were observed, temporal dynamics between the cortex and hippocampus exhibit distinct patterns between awake and sleep period. In addition, animals’ postnatal experience modulates the dynamics. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
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