What Does It Mean to Explain? A User-Centered Study on AI Explainability.

Lingxue Yang, Hongrun Wang,Léa A. Deleris

HCI (36)(2021)

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One frequent concern associated with the development of AI models is their perceived lack of transparency. Consequently, the AI academic community has been active in exploring mathematical approaches that can increase the explainability of models. However, ensuring explainability thoroughly in the real world remains an open question. Indeed, besides data scientists, a variety of users is involved in the model lifecycle with varying motivations and backgrounds. In this paper, we sought to better characterize these explanations needs. Specifically, we conducted a user research study within a large institution that routinely develops and deploys AI model. Our analysis led to the identification of five explanation focuses and three standard user profiles that together enable to better describe what explainability means in real life. We also propose a mapping between explanation focuses and a set of existing explainability approaches as a way to link the user view and AI-born techniques.
explain explainability,user-centered
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