Training of Drone Pilots for Children with Virtual Reality Environments Under Gamification Approach.


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Today, drones have become one of the most desired technological products by children and adolescents. Unlike console or table games, the game based on learning to pilot a drone allows them to work on their problem-solving skills. Many parents look for activities to share with their children in their free time. However, in big cities, this can be tricky. Learning to pilot drones in virtual reality environments can be a hobby that can be fun for young and old, that can be shared as a family and that can also be useful to improve their learning capacity and their skills and knowledge. Under this situation, it is where gamification and virtual reality environments can be used to generate drone training scenarios for children and adolescents from a fun and safe environment. The work presents a design model of reality environments based on gamification and the design of the user task associated with the flight information guides. A case study is presented in which a proposed virtual reality environment is launched for the training of recreational drone pilots and the preliminary results obtained are presented.
Virtual reality,Gamification,Interactive environments,Drone
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