The stoic tooth root: how the mineral and extracellular matrix counterbalance to keep aged dentin stable

Acta Biomaterialia(2022)

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Aging is a physiological process with profound impact on the biology and function of biosystems, including the human dentition. While resilient, human teeth undergo wear and disease, affecting overall physical, psychological, and social human health. However, the underlying mechanisms of tooth aging remain largely unknown. Root dentin is integral to tooth function in that it anchors and dissipates mechanical load stresses of the tooth-bone system. Here, we assess the viscoelastic behavior, composition, and ultrastructure of young and old root dentin using nano-dynamic mechanical analysis, micro-Raman spectroscopy, small angle X-ray scattering, atomic force and transmission electron microscopies. We find that the root dentin overall stiffness increases with age. Unlike other mineralized tissues and even coronal dentin, however, the ability of root dentin to dissipate energy during deformation does not decay with age. Using a deconstruction method to dissect the contribution of mineral and organic matrix, we find that the damping factor of the organic matrix does deteriorate. Compositional and ultrastructural analyses revealed higher mineral-to-matrix ratio, altered enzymatic and non-enzymatic collagen cross-linking, increased collagen d-spacing and fibril diameter, and decreased abundance of proteoglycans and sulfation pattern of glycosaminoglycans . Therefore, even in the absence of remodeling, the extracellular matrix of root dentin shares traits of aging with other tissues. To explain this discrepancy, we propose that altered matrix-mineral interactions, possibly mediated by carbonate ions sequestered at the mineral interface and/or altered glycosaminoglycans counteract the deleterious effects of aging on the structural components of the extracellular matrix.
Aging,Dentin,Collagen,Viscoelastic behavior,Extracellular matrix
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