Distinct transcriptional programs of SOX2 in different types of small cell lung cancers


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SOX2 is an oncogene in human small cell lung cancer (SCLC), an aggressive neuroendocrine (NE) tumor. However, the roles of SOX2 in SCLC remain unclear, and strategies to selectively target SOX2 in SCLC cells have not yet been established. We herein demonstrated that SOX2 is involved in NE differentiation and tumorigenesis in cooperation with ASCL1, a lineage-specific transcriptional factor, in the classical subtype of SCLC cell lines. ASCL1 recruits SOX2, which promotes INSM1 expression. Precursor SCLC lesions were established in Trp53 (-/-); CCSP rtTA; tetO Cre ; floxed Rb1 ; floxed Hes1 mice, and the NE neoplasms induced were positive for Ascl1, Sox2, and Insm1. In contrast to the ASCL1-SOX2 signaling axis to control the SCLC phenotype in classical subtype SCLC, SOX2 targeted distinct genes, such as those related to the Hippo pathway, in ASCL1-negative, variant subtype SCLC. The present results support the importance of the ASCL1-SOX2 axis as a main subtype of SCLC, and suggest the therapeutic potential of targeting the ASCL1-SOX2 signaling axis and the clinical utility of SOX2 as a biological marker in the classical subtype of SCLC.
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