Prescriptions for pain medication before and after bariatric surgery

Surgical Endoscopy(2021)

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Background Significant and sustained weight loss resulting from bariatric surgery have demonstrated clinical reduction in severe obesity-related pain. Subsequentially, post-surgical pain reduction may reduce pain medication use. However, clear evidence regarding use of prescribed pain medications before and after bariatric surgery is absent. Methods Linking two state-wide databases, patients who underwent bariatric surgery between July 1, 2013 and December 31, 2015 were identified. Proportion tests were used to compare percent of patients with pain medication prescriptions 1 year before and 1 year after bariatric surgery. Logistic regression was used to identify baseline factors that were associated with pain medication use 1-year following surgery. Results A total of 3535 bariatric surgical patients aged 18–64 years at surgery were identified. Of these patients, 1339 patients met the following study criteria: covered by private insurance; known pre-surgical BMI; and continuous enrollment with health plan(s) from 12-month pre-surgery to 13-month post-surgery. While comparison of average number of overall pain medication prescriptions before and after surgery did not change, from 3.46 to 3.32 prescriptions ( p value = 0.26), opioid prescription use increased from 1.62 vs. 2.05 ( p value < 0.01). Patients prescribed more types of pain medications before surgery were more likely to have prescribed pain medications after surgery. Patients prescribed benzodiazepines at baseline had higher odds being prescribed post-surgery corticosteroids (OR = 1.89, p value < 0.01), muscle relaxants (OR = 2.18, p value < 0.01), and opioids (OR = 3.06, p value = < 0.01) compared to patients without pre-surgery--prescribed benzodiazepine. Conclusion While comparison of average number of overall pain medication prescriptions before and after bariatric surgery did not decrease, opioid prescription increased post-surgery. Further studies are needed to examine whether post-surgery opioids are prescribed in lieu of or in tandem with other pain medication prescriptions.
Bariatric surgery,Pain medication,Claims data
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