Assessment of the Cherenkov camera alignment through Variance images for the ASTRI telescope


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peculiar aspect of Cherenkov telescopes is that they are designed to detect atmospheric light flashes on the time scale of nanoseconds, being almost blind to stellar sources. As a consequence, the pointing calibration of these instruments cannot be done in general exploiting the standard astrometry of the focal plane. In this paper we validate a procedure to overcome this problem for the case of the innovative ASTRI telescope, developed by INAF, exploiting sky images produced as an ancillary output by its novel Cherenkov camera. In fact, this instrument implements a statistical technique called “Variance method” (VAR) owning the potentiality to image the star field (angular resolution ∼ 11^' ). We demonstrate here that VAR images can be exploited to assess the alignment of the Cherenkov camera with the optical axis of the telescope down to ∼ 1^'' . To this end, we evaluate the position of the stars with sub-pixel precision thanks to a deep investigation of the convolution between the point spread function and the pixel distribution of the camera, resulting in a transformation matrix that we validated with simulations. After that, we considered the rotation of the field of view during long observing runs, obtaining light arcs that we exploited to investigate the alignment of the Cherenkov camera with high precision, in a procedure that we have already tested on real data. The strategy we have adopted, inherited from optical astronomy, has never been performed on Variance images from a Cherenkov telescope until now, and it can be crucial to optimize the scientific accuracy of the incoming MiniArray of ASTRI telescopes.
Cherenkov astronomy,Pointing,Tracking,Variance method,Alignment
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