Evaluating the accessibility to healthcare facilities under the Chinese hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system


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An accurate assessment of current healthcare resource allocations is essential to address existing inequities in the hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system introduced in China. The data Correspondence: Hongbing Tao, Department of Health Administration, School of Medicine and Health Management, Tongji Medical College, come from statistical reports of local governments and the developer platform of Amap, a Chinese mobile map. The data were analysed using the hierarchical two-step floating catchment area method. By spatial accessibility analysis, the distribution of accessibility to hierarchical healthcare facilities in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province was found to be uneven, with clustered high accessibility in the central, north-western and southern parts of the city. To enhance the capacity of healthcare services, the government should allocate healthcare resources rationally to better associate with population densities.
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Spatial accessibility, healthcare facilities, hierarchical diag-nosis and treatment system, China
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