A Scube2-Shh feedback loop links morphogen release and spread to morphogen signaling to enable scale invariant patterning of the ventral neural tube


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To enable robust patterning, morphogen systems should be resistant to variations in gene expression and tissue size. Here we explore how the Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) morphogen gradient in the ventral neural tube enables scaled patterning in embryos of varying sizes. Using zebrafish eggs that have been surgically reduced in size, we find that ventral neural tube patterning remains proportional in smaller embryos. Intriguingly, a secreted protein implicated in Shh release, Scube2, is expressed in the dorsal-intermediate neural tube far from Shh producing cells. Overexpression of scube2 expands the Shh gradient whereas loss of scube2 causes gradient contraction. Conversely, upregulation of Shh represses scube2 expression while Shh downregulation increases scube2 expression thus establishing a negative feedback loop. This regulatory feedback is necessary for scaling, as demonstrated by its loss in scube2 overexpressing embryos. Using mathematical modeling, we show that feedback control on diffusion and release rates of Shh allows the morphogen gradient to be robust to differences in field length and Shh gene dosage. We conclude that Scube2 promotes release and diffusion of Shh to allow gradient scaling in an extension to the expander-repressor model. Summary Statement The Shh morphogen gradient can scale to different size tissues by feedback between Scube2 mediated release and diffusion of Shh and Shh based inhibition of Scube2 expression ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
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