Microbiome disturbance and resilience dynamics of the upper respiratory tract in response to influenza A virus infection in humans and ferrets


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Infection with influenza can be aggravated by bacterial co-infections, which often results in disease exacerbation because of host responses and cellular damage. The native upper respiratory tract (URT) microbiome likely plays a role, yet the effects of influenza infection on the URT microbiome are largely unknown. We performed a longitudinal study to assess the temporal dynamics of the URT microbiomes of uninfected and influenza virus-infected humans and ferrets. Uninfected human patients and ferret URT microbiomes had stable “heathy ecostate” communities both within and between individuals. In contrast, infected patients and ferrets exhibited large changes in bacterial community composition over time and between individuals. The “unhealthy” ecostates of infected individuals progressed towards the “healthy ecostate” over time, coinciding with viral clearance and recovery. Blooms of Pseudomonas were a statistically associated constant in the disturbed microbiomes of infected individuals. The dynamic and resilient nature of the microbiome during influenza virus infection in multiple hosts provides a compelling rationale for the maintenance of the microbiome homeostasis as a potential therapeutic target to prevent IAV associated bacterial co-infections. One Sentence Summary Dynamics of the upper respiratory tract microbiome during influenza A virus infection
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