Distribution of seven ApoC-III glycoforms in plasma, VLDL, IDL, LDL and HDL of healthy subjects

P. Rehues,M. Rodríguez,V. Iranzo, J. Mora, C. Balsells,M. Guardiola,J. Ribalta


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Glycosylation of ApoC-III modulates its function in TG metabolism, with some variants being associated with a more atherogenic lipid profile. These associations have been studied in whole plasma but rarely in individual lipoprotein fractions. In this study, we aimed to measure the relative content of ApoC-III glycoforms in each lipoprotein fraction as a potential biomarker for TG metabolism and cardiovascular risk. Lipoprotein fractions were separated by differential ultracentrifugation of plasma samples from healthy subjects. Relative concentrations of seven ApoC-III variants were measured by MSIA. ApoC-III1, ApoC-III0b and ApoC-III2 were the most abundant glycoforms. There was high interindividual variability in the distribution of glycoforms across the study population but a uniform proportion in all lipoprotein fractions of each given subject. Two ApoC-III variants, ApoC-III0b and ApoC-III1d, negatively correlated with plasma and VLDL triglycerides irrespectively of VLDL size and were associated with increased LDL size when transported in LDL particles. ApoC-III0b also showed a negative correlation with lipoprotein-insulin resistance score. We have been able to measure seven ApoC-III glycoforms in each lipoprotein fraction, setting the basis for future studies exploring their role on cardiovascular risk. Some glycoforms suggest a less proatherogenic role on TG and lipoprotein metabolism.
Lipoproteins,Cardiovascular disease,Type 2 diabetes,Apolipoprotein C-III
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