Learning Sample-Specific Policies for Sequential Image Augmentation

International Multimedia Conference(2021)

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ABSTRACTThis paper presents a policy-driven sequential image augmentation approach for image-related tasks. Our approach applies a sequence of image transformations (e.g., translation, rotation) over a training image, one transformation at a time, with the augmented image from the previous time step treated as the input for the next transformation. This sequential data augmentation substantially improves sample diversity, leading to improved test performance, especially for data-hungry models (e.g., deep neural networks). However, the search for the optimal transformation of each image at each time step of the sequence has high complexity due to its combination nature. To address this challenge, we formulate the search task as a sequential decision process and introduce a deep policy network that learns to produce transformations based on image content. We also develop an iterative algorithm to jointly train a classifier and the policy network in the reinforcement learning setting. The immediate reward of a potential transformation is defined to encourage transformations producing hard samples for the current classifier. At each iteration, we employ the policy network to augment the training dataset, train a classifier with the augmented data, and train the policy net with the aid of the classifier. We apply the above approach to both public image classification benchmarks and a newly collected image dataset for material recognition. Comparisons to alternative augmentation approaches show that our policy-driven approach achieves comparable or improved classification performance while using significantly fewer augmented images. The code is available at https://github.com/Paul-LiPu/rl_autoaug.
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