The remote assessment of parkinsonism supporting ongoing development of interventions in Gaucher disease


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Mutations in GBA which are causative of Gaucher disease in their biallelic form, are the most common genetic risk factor for Parkinson's disease (PD). The diagnosis of PD relies upon clinically defined motor features which appear after irreversible neurodegeneration. Prodromal symptoms of PD may provide a means to predict latent pathology, years before the onset of motor features. Previous work has reported prodromal features of PD in GBA mutation carriers, however this has been insufficiently sensitive to identify those that will develop PD. The Remote Assessment of Parkinsonism Supporting Ongoing Development of Interventions in Gaucher Disease (RAPSODI GD) study assesses a large cohort of GBA mutation carriers, to aid development of procedures for earlier diagnosis of PD. Lay abstract Changes in a gene called GBA cause a rare condition called Gaucher disease and are the most common genetic risk factor for Parkinson's disease (PD). To diagnose PD, patients must show symptoms of disordered movement which only occur after irreversible brain cell loss. Earlier symptoms may allow for the prediction of PD, years before movement symptoms occur. Previous work has reported earlier symptoms of PD occurring in people with GBA changes, however these studies have not been able to identify those at risk of developing PD. The Remote Assessment of Parkinsonism Supporting Ongoing Development of Interventions in Gaucher Disease (RAPSODI GD) study assesses a large group of people with GBA changes, to help develop a way to diagnose PD earlier.
Gaucher disease, GBA, glucocerebrosidase, Parkinson's disease, parkinsonism, prodromal symptoms
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