Digital Professionalism in Patient Care: A Case Based Survey of Patients


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OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to obtain the perception of patients on the use of portable digital media devices by providers during patient care and compare the findings to a previous study that examined providers' perceptions on the use of these devices. DESIGN: This was a cross-sectional survey study. SETTING: This study took place at a large tertiary referral center. PARTICIPANTS: Participants were identified via inpatient lists from general surgery services. RESULTS: Of those eligible to participate, 70% completed the questionnaire. While some situations were seen as less appropriate, the overall consensus from participants was that informing the patient of why the physician is using a digital media device made it more appropriate. CONCLUSION: Patients recognize digital device use in healthcare is appropriate and professional when discussed with them in advance. Overall, patients and providers are in agreement that portable digital technology can improve patient care and open communication about the use improves the provider-patient relationship. There is some risk to patient trust in using digital devices in their presence. ((C) 2021 Association of Program Directors in Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
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Digital professionalism,portable digital device,smartphone,patient-physician communication
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