Corynebacterium macginleyi in the era of MALDI-TOF MS: epidemiology, susceptibility patterns and prevalence of co-infection.


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Corynebacterium macginleyi has long been associated with ocular infections and has more recently been rarely implicated in systemic infections. There is a paucity of literature regarding the rate of C. macginleyi co-infection with other bacterial and viral pathogens and regarding the incidence of C. macginleyi infection in the paediatric population. In this study, we report 30 isolates of C. macginleyi of ocular origin from 26 patients, identified using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). The rates of co-isolation with bacterial and viral pathogens were 62% (n=16/26) and 39% (n=5/13), respectively, in this study. Of these, 13 patients had molecular testing performed as requested by treating clinicians for either the Chlamydia trachomatis/Neisseria gonorrhoeae PCR or herpes/enterovirus/adenovirus multiplex PCR. All isolates tested susceptible to linezolid, vancomycin and ciprofloxacin, with variable resistance to tetracycline, clindamycin and penicillin using EUCAST breakpoints.
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