The Customs Of Acceptance Of Informal Payments Among Hungarian Nurses


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Introduction: In Hungary, since January 1st, 2021, the giving and acceptance of all forms of informal payments constitute a crime, except for gifts of a value of no more than 5% of the minimal monthly salary. While in the case of physicians, a pay rise compensates the loss of revenue, we hardly have data on the nurses' attitude in relation to the acceptance of informal payments.Objective: We intend to uncover the situation of informal payments at the end of 2020 and to examine the effects of the new legal regulation, based on information from nurses.Method: In the fall of 2020, we questioned 167 nurses in the Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Health Center of the University of Szeged, Hungary, in order to highlight the motivations, forms, circumstances, and sums of informal payments. We analyzed the results by means of descriptive statistical methods, with special regard to the differences among surgical, internal medical and pediatric fields. We analyzed the results with a view to the new legal regulations.Results: Out of 167 respondents, 93 work in operative field, 54 in internal medical care, and 18 in pediatric care. Besides gratitude, corruption appeared in all the three fields, however, pediatric care was the least touched by corruption. Gifts of a higher value are rare, however, small gifts are common. The respondents received 10 851 HUF (i.e., 36 USD) as informal payment from in-patients after one week, while, occasionally, 5326 HUF (i.e., 18 USD). The sums - similarly to informal payments to physicians - vary from field to field in healthcare. In the surgical field, the sums surpassed the new legal limit. Informal payments are given in private healthcare more rarely than in public healthcare. Informal payments given outside the workplace hardly ever occur.Conclusion: The informal payment with the goal of corruption is present in the sphere of nurses, however, it is not typical. The criminal sanctioning of informal payments to nurses is not compensated by a pay rise similar to that of physicians. The fact that informal payments are substituted by gifts results in loss of revenue in all fields of healthcare, however, this loss is the most salient in the surgical field. The criminal sanctioning is not sufficient to eliminate informal payments in Hungary; further socio-political measures are to be taken with the goal to change the attitude of healthcare workers and patients.
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Key words
informal payment, nurses, gift, corruption, Hungary
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