Perceptions of drug users and community gate keepers on the causes and consequences of synthetic drug use in Kunming: A three-level social-ecological approach.

Journal of ethnicity in substance abuse(2021)

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Synthetic drug use (SDU) is on the rise in China. Utilizing a grounded three-level social-ecological theoretical model, we aim to better understand how users, medical professionals, and other community gatekeepers perceive the causes and consequences of synthetic drug use in Kunming, China. Past work typically relies on drug users confined to rehabilitation facilities. Utilizing qualitative methods, our work integrates how various community actors perceive problems around synthetic drug use. Thirty face-to-face interviews were conducted in Kunming that were audio-recorded and transcribed. We identify emergent personal, interpersonal and societal level themes shaping SDU which provided our grounded theoretical model. Regardless of their social position, informants identified curiosity, peer networks that facilitated exposure, and the communality of sharing the drug experience as reasons to try synthetic drugs. Drug users reported negative consequences of SDU including the inability to sleep, a fear that others might discover one was using, and the difficulty of quitting. Medical professionals and others in the community were more likely to identify potential harms of SDU. Still, these community members felt synthetic drugs were less problematic than traditional drugs and reported less prejudice and stigma about these new drugs. Overall, medical professionals felt ill-prepared to deal with this new epidemic.
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Key words
China,Qualitative methods,Synthetic drug use (SDU),causes of use,consequences of use,social-ecological models
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