5,7,3 ',4 '-tetramethoxyflavone ameliorates cholesterol dysregulation by mediating SIRT1/FOXO3a/ABCA1 signaling in osteoarthritis chondrocytes


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Dyslipidemia has been associated with the development of osteoarthritis. Our previous study found that 5,7,3 ',4 '-tetramethoxyflavone (TMF) exhibited protective activities against the pathological changes of osteoarthritis. Aim: To investigate the roles of TMF in regulating ABCA1-mediated cholesterol metabolism. Methods: Knockdown and overexpression were employed to study gene functions. Protein-protein interaction was investigated by co-immunoprecipitation, and the subcellular locations of proteins were studied by immunofluorescence. Results: IL-1 beta decreased ABCA1 expression and induced apoptosis. Therapeutically, TMF ameliorated the effects of IL-1 beta. FOXO3a knockdown expression abrogated the effects of TMF, and FOXO3a overexpression increased ABCA1 expression by interacting with LXR alpha. TMF promoted FOXO3a nuclear translocation by activating SIRT1 expression. Conclusions: TMF ameliorates cholesterol dysregulation by increasing the expression of FOXO3a/LXR alpha/ABCA1 signaling through SIRT1 in C28/I2 cells.
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ABCA1, FOXO3a, osteoarthritis, SIRT1, TMF
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