Impacts of urban and industrial pollution on functional traits of benthic macroinvertebrates: Are some traits advantageous for survival?


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Urbanization and industrialization produce substantial changes in biodiversity and in the functionality of ecosys-tems. However, little is known about how anthropic pressures might drive these changes and about their func-tional consequences. We aimed to determine the responses of macroinvertebrate biological traits to urban and industrial pollution and assess the impacts of these disturbances on the functional diversity of these assemblages. We sampled benthic macroinvertebrates in 27 sites of four basins with different urban disturbance gradients (rural, peri-urban, and urban-industrial), among them the Matanza-Riachuelo River, one of the most polluted ba-sins in the world. We classified macroinvertebrates into 11 traits and 56 categories. Then, we performed an RLQ analysis and computed functional richness, evenness, divergence and Rao diversity indexes for each site and community weighted means for each trait category. The urban and industrial sites (mainly low and middle Matanza-Riachuelo River Basin) showed high concentrations of ammonium, SRP, conductivity, COD, BOD, and or-ganic matter, as well as the lowest values of DO. The functional richness and Rao index of these sites were signif-icantly lower than that of the other sites. Macroinvertebrate traits associated with urban and industrial sites were aerial respiration (spiracles), forms of resistance (eggs or statoblast), cylindrical body shape, oviparity, feeding on microinvertebrates, and full water swimmers. These traits potentially enabled tolerant species persistence at pol -luted sites while gills, grazers, and crawlers were sensitive to these disturbances. Urban and industrial activities influence biological traits, producing the disappearance or dominance of certain traits in macroinvertebrate as-semblages. As a consequence, extreme pollution caused predictable trait-based community changes resulting in reduced functional diversity, and potentially altered the ecosystem function. (c) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Streams,Land use,Matanza-Riachuelo River Basin,Functional diversity,Species traits,Aquatic invertebrates
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