A Graph-Based Approach for Inferring Semantic Descriptions of Wikipedia Tables

SEMANTIC WEB - ISWC 2021(2021)

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There are millions of high-quality tables available in Wikipedia. These tables cover many domains and contain useful information. To make use of these tables for data discovery or data integration, we need precise descriptions of the concepts and relationships in the data, known as semantic descriptions. However, creating semantic descriptions is a complex process requiring considerable manual effort and can be error prone. In this paper, we present a novel probabilistic approach for automatically building semantic descriptions of Wikipedia tables. Our approach leverages hyperlinks in a Wikipedia table and existing knowledge in Wikidata to construct a graph of possible relationships in the table and its context, and then it uses collective inference to distinguish genuine and spurious relationships to form the final semantic description. In contrast to existing methods, our solution can handle tables that require complex semantic descriptions of n-ary relations (e.g., the population of a country in a particular year) or implicit contextual values to describe the data accurately. In our empirical evaluation, our approach outperforms state-of-the-art systems on the SemTab2020 dataset and outperforms those systems by as much as 28% in F1 score on a large set of Wikipedia tables.
Semantic models, Semantic descriptions, Knowledge graphs, Probabilistic soft logic, Semantic web, Linked data, Ontology
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