Swampland constraints on neutrino masses


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bstract Compactifying the Standard Model (SM) on a circle may lead to AdS 3D vacua, depending on the character (Majorana or Dirac) and the mass of the lightest neutrino. It has been shown that, imposing the Ooguri-Vafa conjecture that no stable non-SUSY AdS vacua are consistent with Quantum Gravity, one can obtain conditions on the mass of the lightest neutrino. This result has the shortcoming that it is in general sensitive to the UV structure of the theory. In the present paper we show that two other independent swampland conditions may yield constraints very similar to those. These other two conditions come from the AdS swampland distance conjecture and the dS conjecture as applied to AdS vacua by Lust, Palti and Vafa. Unlike the non-SUSY AdS constraints, for these conjectures the results require only local IR information of the radion potential. We consider both the case of an explicit cosmological 4D constant and the alternative of a simple quintessence 4D potential. Cosmological data in the next decade may falsify the results, giving us information on the constraints of particle physics from Quantum Gravity.
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Superstring Vacua, Superstrings and Heterotic Strings
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