Profiling microbial removal of micropollutants in sand filters: Biotransformation pathways and associated bacteria

Journal of Hazardous Materials(2022)

引用 16|浏览34
Although there is growing evidence that micropollutants can be microbially converted in rapid sand filters of drinking water treatment plants (DWTPs), little is known about the biotransformation pathways and associated microbial strains in this process. Here, we constructed sand filter columns filled with manganese or quartz sand obtained from full-scale DWTPs to explore the biotransformation of eight micropollutants. Under seven different empty bed contact times (EBCTs), the column experiments showed that caffeine and atenolol were easily removed (up to 92.1% and 97.6%, respectively) with adsorption and microbial biotransformation of the filters. In contrast, the removal of other six micropollutants (i.e., naproxen, carbamazepine, atrazine, trimethoprim, sulfamethoxazole, and sulfadiazine) in the filters were less than 27.1% at shorter EBCTs, but significantly increased at EBCT = 4 h, indicating the dominant role of microbial biotransformation in these micropollutants removal. Integrated analysis of metagenomic reads and transformation products of micropollutants showed a shift in caffeine oxidation and demethylation pathways at different EBCTs, simultaneous occurrence of atrazine hydrolysis and oxidation pathways, and sulfadiazine and sulfamethoxazole oxidation in the filters. Furthermore, using genome-centric analysis, we observed previously unidentified degrading strains, e.g., Piscinibacter, Hydrogenophaga, and Rubrivivax for caffeine transformation, and Methylophilus and Methyloversatilis for atenolol transformation.
Sand filter,Micropollutants,Biotransformation,Metagenomic-assembled genome,Oxygenase gene
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