Quantitative analysis of shear wave elastic heterogeneity for prediction of lymphovascular invasion in breast cancer


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Objective: To evaluate the correlation between elastic heterogeneity (EH) and lymphovascular invasion (LVI) in breast cancers and assess the clinical value of using EH to predict LVI pre-operatively. Methods: This retrospective study consisted of 376 patients with breast cancers that had undergone shear wave elastography (SWE) with virtual touch tissue imaging quantification between June 2017 and June 2018. The EH was determined as the difference between the averaged three highest and three lowest shear wave value. Clinicalpathological parameters including histo-logical type and grades, LVI, axillary lymph node status and molecular markers (estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 and Ki-67) were reviewed and recorded. Relationship EH and clinicalpathological parameters was investigated respectively. The diagnostic performance of EH in distin-guishing LVI or not was analyzed. Results: At multivariate regression analysis, only EH (p = 0.017) was positively correlated with LVI in all tumors. EH (p = 0.003) and Ki-67 (p = 0.025) were positively correlated with LVI in tumors <= 2 cm. None of clinical-pathological parameters were correlated with LVI in tumors > 2 cm (p > 0.05 for all). Using EH to predict LVI in tumors <= 2 cm, the sensitivity and negative predictive value were 93 and 89% respectively. Conclusion: EH has the potential to be served as an imaging biomarker to predict LVI in breast cancer espe-cially for tumors < 2 cm. Advances in knowledge: There was no association between LVI and other most commonly used elastic features such as SWVmean and SWVmax. Elastic heter-ogeneity is an independent predictor of LVI, so it can provide additional prognostic information for routine preoperative breast cancer assessment. For tumors <= 2cm, using EH value higher than 1.36 m/s to predict LVI involvement, the sensitivity and negative predictive value can reach to 93% and 89%, respectively, suggesting that breast cancer with negative EH value was more likely to be absent of LVI.
lymphovascular invasion,shear wave,elastic heterogeneity,breast cancer
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