Concordance Of Child Self-Reported And Parent Proxy-Reported Posttraumatic Growth In Childhood Cancer Survivors


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Simple Summary In pediatric cancer settings, parents can be asked to provide information about the impact of cancer on the child. However, their assessment of the child may not be accurate. Research has shown that parents tend to underestimate the quality of life of their child following pediatric cancer. Little is known about the accuracy of parental reports of posttraumatic growth (PTG) as a consequence of pediatric cancer. Our study aimed to examine concordance of parent- and child-reported PTG with taking into account the parents' own level of PTG. We found poor parent-child concordance, with parents reporting higher levels of PTG for their children than the children themselves. When assessing their child's PTG, parents are influenced by their own level of PTG. These findings provide implications for the research on psychosocial outcomes of pediatric cancer using a multi-informant perspective as well as for the topic of veracity of PTG in general. This article aimed to analyze concordance of parent- and child-reported child posttraumatic growth (PTG) following pediatric cancer, the influence of the parents' own level of PTG on the level of concordance and the influence of the parents' and the child's own level of PTG on the parents' proxy reports of PTG in the child. The sample included 127 parent-child dyads. The children provided self-reports of PTG and the parents provided reports of their own as well as the child's PTG. Overall, the results showed poor parent-child agreement on the child PTG, with the parents proxy-reporting higher levels of PTG than the children. The parents' proxy reports of the child PTG were the most accurate at the lowest levels of the parents' own level of PTG. The parents' own level of PTG was a stronger predictor of the parents' proxy reports than the child self-reported PTG. The results suggest that parents are not very accurate reporters of PTG in the child; therefore, their reports should be completed with child self-reports whenever possible.
posttraumatic growth, benefit finding, childhood cancer survivors, parent-child concordance
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