Investigation of the Field-Induced Phase Transitions in the (R,R′)2Fe14B Rare-Earth Intermetallics in Ultrahigh Magnetic Fields

NV Kostyuchenko,IS Tereshina, AV Andreev, M Doerr

IEEE Transactions on Magnetics(2020)

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In this work, we perform a comparative study of the magnetization behavior of four series of compounds R 2 Fe 14 B and their hydrides R 2 Fe 14 BH 5.5 , and the compositions (Nd 0.5 R 0.5 ) 2 Fe 14 B and their hydrides (Nd 0.5 R 0.5 ') 2 Fe 14 BH 5.5 with R and R' = Ho, Er, and Tm. The magnetization is measured in pulsed magnetic fields up to 58 T and in megagauss fields up to 135 T at 5 K. The first and second critical fields of the field-induced transitions, H c1 and H c2 were estimated analytically and the results were verified against experimental data. We find that hydrogenation of R 2 Fe 14 B and (Nd 0.5 R 0.5 ') 2 Fe 14 B reduces drastically the H c1 and H c2 values and, as a consequence, the intersublattice R-Fe exchange interaction parameter λ.
Complex modified materials,critical fields,exchange coupling,hard magnetic materials,light interstitial doping,megagauss magnetic fields,R–Fe exchange,rare-earth intermetallics
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