The Role Of Obesity In Predicting The Clinical Outcomes Of Covid-19


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Introduction: The aim of this was to describe the predictors of mortality related to COVID-19 infection and to evaluate the association between overweight, obesity, and clinical outcomes of COVID-19. Methods: We included the patients >18 years of age, with at least one positive SARS-CoV-2 reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. Patients were grouped according to body mass index values as normal weight <25 kg/m(2) (Group A), overweight from 25 to <30 kg/m(2) (Group B), Class I obesity 30 to <35 kg/m(2) (Group C), and >= 35 kg/m(2) (Group D). Mortality, clinical outcomes, laboratory parameters, and comorbidities were compared among 4 groups. Results: There was no significant difference among study groups in terms of mortality. Noninvasive mechanical ventilation requirement was higher in group B and D than group A, while it was higher in Group D than Group C (Group B vs. Group A [p = 0.017], Group D vs. Group A [p = 0.001], and Group D vs. Group C [p = 0.016]). Lung involvement was less common in Group A, and presence of hypoxia was more common in Group D (Group B vs. Group A [p = 0.025], Group D vs. Group A [p < 0.001], Group D vs. Group B [p = 0.006], and Group D vs. Group C [p = 0.014]). The hospitalization rate was lower in Group A than in the other groups; in addition, patients in Group D have the highest rate of hospitalization (Group B vs. Group A [p < 0.001], Group C vs. Group A [p < 0.001], Group D vs. Group A [p < 0.001], Group D vs. Group B [p < 0.001], and Group D vs. Group C [p = 0.010]). Conclusion: COVID-19 patients with overweight and obesity presented with more severe clinical findings. Health-care providers should take into account that people living with overweight and obesity are at higher risk for COVID-19 and its complications.
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Key words
Obesity, Inflammatory markers, Respiratory support, COVID-19
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